Integrated Management System Across Three Production Sites
We believe that our success depends on understanding and fulfilling the increasing needs of our customers for high quality and reliability. We strive to deliver a high customer satisfaction by achieving a balanced trio of quality, price and lead times and also by making sure that each stakeholder’s needs and expectations are addressed, a clear and effective decision-making process is standing and a well-structured review process is well defined. In our quest for continuous improvement we have obtained all of the below certifications.

EN ISO 9001:2015 - Quality Management System
ISO 14001:2015 - Environmental Management System
OHSAS 18001:2008 - Occupational Health & Safety
EN 1090-1/2 Exc4 - Execution of Steel Structures
DIN EN ISO 3834-2 - Fusion Welding of Metallic Materials
AWS D1.1 - American Structural Welding Code
EN ISO 17025:2005 - Metrological Laboratory

Being part of Emsil Group’s Quality Department it ensures the internal needs for calibration and testing of our measuring devices. The mission is to generate trust that our measuring devices used to show the conformity of our products have been calibrated and tested per current calibration procedures. The quality system of our metrological laboratory is certified per SR EN ISO/CEI 17025:2005 standard.
We are also certified to provide our calibration and testing services for external customers. If you have measuring devices that need calibration, feel free to inquire now.

Being part of the Group’s Quality Department it ensures the internal needs for NDT controls for our products. The mission is to generate trust that performing NDT controls and interpreting the data stands as the basis for product conformity.
Standards being followed are:
- EN ISO 9712:2013
- EN ISO 473:2008.
NDT Testings such as UT, MT, PT and VT are being performed at all three production sites by trained and qualified personnel